Though it might look a little strange in your basement, a sump pump serves an important purpose in protecting your property and foundation from moisture damage.

Maybe you have a basement or crawlspace and you’re wondering whether or not you need to have a sump pump installed. You’re not alone. There are numerous factors to consider when it comes to sump pump installation. Luckily, the experts at Beck Electric, Generators & Plumbing have put together a collection of tips and answers to get you on your way.

Understanding Sump Pumps: What Are They and How Do They Work?

First, it’s essential to understand what a sump pump is. A sump pump is a device connected to electricity and piping that returns water that enters the interior of your home or basement back to the outdoors. To understand how sump pumps work, remember its three key components: the sump pump (including the float switch and check valve), the sump pump pit or basin, and the discharge line.

A sump pump sits in a pit or basin carved below the surface of your basement floor. The sump pump itself is equipped with valves that sense increasing water pressure; it also has a float switch that helps it evaluate water levels. When water levels get too high, as measured by the float, the valve opens and the pump automatically pushes excess water out of your basement and away from your property and foundation through a discharge line or effluent into a designated drainage area.

What are the main types of sump pumps?

There are two types of sump pumps that might be installed in a given basement. The first is a submersible sump pump. As the name suggests, this type of pump is designed to be submerged in the sump pit. To prevent water from entering the motor, it is sealed. These are typically quieter and more powerful than the other types of sump pumps, namely the pedestal sump pump. The pedestal sump pump has a motor positioned above the pit while the pump itself is inside the pit. These sump pumps are easier to service and are less expensive, but they are often louder and less powerful than submersible sump pumps.

Assessing Your Basement: Factors That Determine the Need for a Sump Pump

Do you know whether or not your basement needs a sump pump? Typically, homeowners will be aware when they purchase a home about whether or not a sump pump is in their basement or if they need one. However, there are several factors to consider when it comes to having a sump pump in your basement. For instance, your home’s geographic location and climate will dictate whether you should install a sump pump. A sump pump will help basements prone to flooding or water accumulation remove the excess water from the property.

If you’re building a new home or considering buying a home in a flood zone, consider the following.

  • Does the area where your home is located receive heavy rainfall?
  • Where does the water table sit on your property?
  • What is your proximity to bodies of water or local wetlands?

There are numerous factors to consider when deciding to install or replace a sump pump. Homeowners often wonder about whether they need a sump pump installed or how often it should be serviced. See two frequently asked questions below.

Do all homes have sump pumps?

Not all homes will have sump pumps installed. However, if you live in a home with a crawl space or a basement, whether finished or unfinished, you may require a sump pump to address moisture control. There are additional factors to consider here. First, you should note whether or not you live in an area that receives a lot of precipitation throughout the year and whether or not your home is in a flood zone. Second, consider whether your yard has poor soil drainage. Last, consult with a local plumbing company to get a professional opinion.

What should I know when buying a house with a sump pump?

When buying a home that has a sump pump, you should note the age of the system and have a record of when and how often it has been serviced. Be sure to determine the home’s history of flooding and issues with moisture control in the basement or crawl space. Determine what type of sump pump is installed in the home, whether a pedestal or submersible sump pump, and find out what backup power systems are in place to address sump pump failure during times of heavy rainfall and unpredictable storms.

Benefits of Installing a Sump Pump

Sump pumps can provide homeowners with basements in flood-prone areas or areas with heavy rainfall with numerous benefits. First, sump pumps help to prevent basement flooding and water damage. This includes water damage to your home, which could encourage mold and mildew growth, and also structural damage to your home’s foundation. Additionally, sump pumps provide homeowners with peace of mind during heavy rainfall events or significant snowmelts. In these instances, homeowners can know that their home is protected from moisture intrusion and flooding even when they’re not there to monitor it.

Potential Drawbacks and Considerations for Sump Pumps

Like any home appliance or plumbing system, there are potential issues that can occur from time to time with your home’s sump pump that deserve your time and attention. First, sump pumps require regular maintenance and service in order to function optimally. While this added cost might seem like a burden to some homeowners, it’s important to keep up with it to ensure your peace of mind during heavy rainfall events and to keep moisture out of your home.

Additionally, sump pumps depend on electricity to function, so in the event of a severe storm that knocks out your power supply, you’ll need to consider having a battery backup for your sump pump that is sealed against water. Having a standby or backup generator for your home’s electrical system is also a great investment in keeping your sump pump working properly should the power go out.

There are a variety of other considerations that have come up for homeowners regarding sump pumps. Overall, homeowners will want to get the most out of their sump pump while keeping water and moisture out of their basements and homes. See some other commonly asked questions regarding sump pump operations below.

What are the most common sump pump problems?

Common sump pump problems include incorrect installation and a lack of maintenance. Having the wrong-sized pump can make it difficult for the sump pump to effectively move water through the discharge line and away from your property. Additionally, having a clogged discharge line can cause the system to backup, and a clogged sump pump can cause basement flooding.

How can I prevent sump pump failure?

Overall, keeping your sump pump in good working order and avoiding failure entails receiving regular maintenance and monitoring the sump pump’s functioning. Scheduling sump pump services when you notice subtle signs of failure will help get you the help you need before severe weather hits. These signs can include a sump pump that is running constantly, making strange noises, or is vibrating loudly.

Professional Sump Pump Services in Canton

With professional sump pump services on standby, you can ensure your sump pump stays in good operation and is ready to handle anything. Beck Electric, Generators & Plumbing provides plumbing services in Canton, OH, and the surrounding areas, including sump pump repair and installation.

Whether you’re experiencing power failure, a frozen sump discharge pipe, a stuck switch, or a clogged pump, we’ll be there to help. And if you’re concerned about frequent power outages and breaker trips affecting your sump pump, you’re in luck. Not only do we provide plumbing services, but we can assist with electrical needs too, including generator installation! We can also assist if you’re moving into a new home and would like a sump pump installed for the first time. We’ll perfectly fit your new sump pump to your home’s needs.

Ensure your basement remains dry and protected. Contact Beck Electric, Generators & Plumbing for professional sump pump services and comprehensive home services near you!

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